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Urland Gene contributions

These are contributed Genes for Urland Gene. Most of them sound really great! The genes appear in no particular order, but approximately in the order I received them. Note that some ideas go somewhat in the same direction.

Author Title
Dirk Krause Milchdrüse (german for "milk gland", whatever)
Whenever there is a reproduction in a water area the owner of this gene can reproduce in an adjacent land area. The rules for water reporduction are applied in that land area, i.e. "Care of Young" cooperates with this gene. (translated from German by Frank)
Hans van Halteren Sturdy Eggs
Your eggs survive long enough that they can float with the gulf stream to other oceans. Whenever an ocean is chosen for breeding, you can choose one adjacent ocean and add the number of your ichtos to the number in the breeding area when determining how many new Ichtos are produced.
Picture idea: Ichto egg floating on its back (maybe on air bed and sipping a drink
Hans van Halteren Photogenic
Your fossil looks extremely good in pictures and all future scientists will use you as the Ichto first crawling onto land. For now this is useless, but after all points in the final scoring are counted, you get two extra points.
Hans van Halteren Pheromone trail
Your Ichto can leave a trail which other Ichto find irresistible. If one of your Ichtos lands, and you decide to leave a trail, all following players must try to land at least one Ichto to the same area, not necessarily from the same ocean. If no Ichto is next to the land area, they do not have to move one there first. You can leave only one pheromone trail each turn.
Picture idea: Sexy Ichto crawling to land and smiling seductively back towards the sea.
Hans van Halteren Slime trail
Your Ichto leaves a very slimy and slippery goo on the beach when crawling ashore. All following Ichtos landing in the same area must pay double action point cost to do so. This means normal Ichtos need two actions, and Ichtos with legs or turbo need a full action for one Ichto. You can leave only one slime trail each turn. Slime does not hinder Ichtos moving over land or flying.
Picture idea: Slimy Ichto crawling to land and leaving a mess
Hans van Halteren Intuition
You just know where (not) to be. For one action point, you can examine one of the two chips held by the dummy player. For two action points, you can examine both.
Picture idea: Ichto playing "find the queen" (or "find the ball under one of the three cups")
Brian Bankler Environment/Migration sensing
When the environment player draws a scoring disk, they must show it to you before choosing. At the start of the round, the first environment player must show you all three disk.
Brigitte und
Wolfgang Ditt
Before taking your turn as an Ichto Player you can look at one disk of the Dummy. (translated from German by Frank)
Brigitte und
Wolfgang Ditt
You keep this gene until you get your turn, even as environment player or dummy. You MAY exchange the "Mutation" with a gene owned by a player who is in front of you on the victory point track. So you get his or her gene and he or she will keep the "mutation". Once it is his or her turn he or she may exchange it again but the leading player cannot exchnage it and therefore is weakened until he or she lost the pole position.
Brigitte und
Wolfgang Ditt
Put 4 genes as a stack next to this gen. The topmost gen applies to you. Once you used it, actively or passively, you put the topmost gene under the stack and the new topmost gene applies to you now. (translated from German by Frank)
Brigitte und
Wolfgang Ditt
After the auction and the filling of new genes, you exchange this gene against one of the now face up ones. (translated from German by Frank)
Brigitte und
Wolfgang Ditt
You score 3 points in coexistence. (translated from German by Frank)
Brigitte und
Wolfgang Ditt
After a scoring your Ichtos can return to an adjacent water region. (translated from German by Frank)
Brian Bankler Nocturnal
You get your normal allotment of actions when dummy. In a 5 player game, you also get a turn with one less action when your the environment player (taken before the other player's actions). You may not play a "+2" chit during these turns. Do not use in a 3-player game.
Brian Bankler Magnetic Navigation
When you are the environment player, you may pick the chit you wish to draw from the pile. [You may choose the panic chit, but must then draw the replacement randomly.] If you begin an epoch, you randomly draw two chits, and may then pick the third. You may inspect the pile of undrawn chits at any time.
Brian Bankler Symbiote
Whenever you co-exist (not monopoly or competition), you get an extra VP for each other player you are existing with.
Norbert Chan Conflict Avoidance
The owner of this gene does not have his icthos eliminated in competition during the scoring phase. The owner may instead choose to move his ichtos to the nearest ocean.
Picture idea: Picture of an ichto crawling back to the ocean with it's tail between it's legs.
Mark Delano Hard Shelled Eggs
During Breeding, the owner of this gene may place all their young in one adjacent land area.
Mark Delano Heavy Shell
The ichtos of the owner of this gene are never eliminated during Competition. However, during survival or coexistence they score one less point. (ex. three points during monopoly or having most, one point if coexistence or survival).
Mark Delano Power Napping
On the turn before becoming the dummy lose one action. When you are the dummy or the Enivronment player gain one action.
Mark Delano Sticky Skin
Any time another player moves two or more ichtos from any one location to another (water to water, water to land, land to land), one of your ichtos may follow them for every two that are moving.


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