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Ichto Variety

The Urland Page

Contents of this page:

Bullish Ichto

Basic Information

Urland is out since October 2001 and was first presented at the Essen fair 2001 . You might want to take a look at our Urland announcement page .

A Gene Contest

The Urland Gene Contest is closed. Here is a list of contributed genes . Here is the result .

Tactical Tips

Brian Bankler has set up a list of tactical tipps, together with gene combination buying charts on externhis Urland review page .

Urland, the Making of

This should of course be a long story, about first ideas in the late 80s of the last century, about lots of testing, about fine tuning and then changing the basic mechanics, just to start over again. About the tests in the USA about the tests in Denmark. Maybe I'll write something down some time.
For now it is this:

Well, it was Ralf who tested his brand new digital camera on one of our final testing nights. You can see a roughly done prototype and prototypish bits. In fact the prototype one week earlier was even worse, but at that point Doris started doing scetches and we were actually playing on a scetch to figure if it is usable. If you wonder about the background, we are playing in our (D&F) living room. If you wonder about the faces it is Doris, Werner and a third person, well, Frank. No pictures of the photographer.

Caution the pictures are not beautiful, but large :-)

Doris and Werner. The situtation on the board. The situation on the board again. Doris and Frank, I think I was in good shape then:-)

Urland at the Gathering 2001
A few month earlier at Alan Moons Gathering. Picture courtesy to externGreg Aleknevicus . From left to right Jeff (whos lastname I didn't note), externKurt Adam (back to the camera) , externPeter Sarret (eyes closed) , me (puzzled), externAlan Ernstein (concentrated) . Note how different the board looked then. Actually on the first table in the background, the fairly bald guy (sorry Asger) is Asger one of the most important of our Urland testers.


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