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Games with Doris Artwork

Below, you can see a list of games, designed by Doris. Pretty impressive, isn't it ;-) We're not sure, if the list is complete, and we didn't have the time to check all the years or to include pictures. Maybe in the future! Remember, you can read a bit more about Doris . Of course Doris did the artwork for our games, you can follow the links on our games names to get a short description of our games.

Well, I have to confess it's not good I've omitted the authors of all those games. Sorry!

Year 2002link down 2001link down 2000link down 1999link down 1998link down 1997link down 1996link down 1995link down 1994link down 1993link down 1992link down previouslink down
Eselsrennen 1989D&FThe original
Igel ärgern 1990D&F-
Tante Tarantel 1991D&F-
Elfengold1991White Wind-
Elfenroads1992White Wind extern see here!
Schmetterlingskind1992Habachilds game
Sekt oder Selters1992Salagames-
Igel ärgern 1993D&Fedition with 20 variations
Banana Republic 1993D&F-
Hopp Galopp1993Habachilds game
Sommerland1993Habachilds game
Schnapp1993Habachilds game
Quak1993Habachilds game but great fun for everyone!
Kalle Kringelwurm1993Habachilds
Phantoms of the Ice1994White Wind-
Piepmatz1994Habachilds game
Fugger, Welser, Medici 1994D&F-
Story1994 externHiG -
Kleine Biene flieg
schnell los
1994AmigoChilds game
Mü&Mehr 1995D&Fedition with 6 different rules
Phantoms II1995White Winddesign for Fun Connection
Leolei1995Habaa puzzle
Kleine Ausreißer1995Habachilds game
Am Fuß des
1995 externHiG -
Elfenwizards1995White Wind-
El Grande1995 externHiG Game of the Year 1996
Ach du dickes Ei
Habachilds game
Frühling, Sommer,
 Herbst und Winter
1996Habachilds game
Blütentanz1996Amigochilds game
Partner für's Leben1996dsa-
Mü&Mehr1996Amigoedition with 4 different rules
Pico 1996D&F-
>Blöff1996-Shop "Spielwelt" Advertisement
Eselsrennen 1996D&Fextended edition with second map
Igel ärgern 1996D&Fedition with 40 extra variations!
König & Intrigant1997 externHiG -
Quartier Latin1997DaggitDagmar's game
Pico 2 1997D&FSlight modification
Ursuppe 1997D&F 2nd place Deutscher Spielepreis 1998
Euphrat & Tigris1997 externHiG Nominee for Game of the Year 1998, Deutscher Spielepreis 1998
Power Play1997Amigoanother Phantoms of the Ice
Großinquisitor & Kolonien1997 externHiG an El Grande Extension
Kings and Things1997 externPegasus German Edition
Elfenland1998Amigo Game of the Year 1998, 3rd place Deutscher Spielepreis 1998
Zicke Zacke Hühnerkacke1998Zoch childs Game of the Year 1998, Deutscher Kinderspielepreis 1998
Ursuppe - frisch abgeschmeckt 1998D&FAn Ursuppe expansion
Santa Clause is comin' to town1998Han HeidmaChristmas card
Elfengold1998AmigoElfenland expansion
Zebras und Löwen1999Schmidt-
König der Elfen1999AmigoElfenland card game
Grandissimo1999 externHiG -
Zoff im Zoo 1999D&F Nominated for Game of the Year 2000
Frank's Zoo 1999 externRio Grande English edition of Zoff im Zoo
Stephensons Rocket1999 externPegasus -
Dolce Vita1999 externHiG -
Rangeln1999Spielboxin the Magazine 01/99
Quästor1999Spielboxin the Magazine 02/99
Auf nach Oklahoma1999Spielboxin the Magazine 03/99
Lonely heart1999Spielboxin the Magazine 04/99
Sechs Ex1999Spielboxin the Magazine 05/99
Richtfunk1999Spielboxin the Magazine 06/99
Zicke Zacke Entenkacke2000 Zoch Sequel of Zicke Zacke Hühnerkacke
Morgenland2000 externHiG by Richard Breese
Zapp Zerapp2000 externZoch -
Carcasonne2000 externHiG Game of the Year 2001
Traumfabrik/Fabrik der Träume2000Hasbroby Rainer Knizia
Weltraumtouristen2000Spielboxin the Magazine 01/00
Duco2000Spielboxin the Magazine 02/00
Turm+Wächter2000Spielboxin the Magazine 03/00
Trau Dich2000Spielboxin the Magazine 04/00
Tipi2000Spielboxin the Magazine 05/00
Räuberjagd2000Spielboxin the Magazine 06/00
Au Backe 2001 externZoch Frank :-)
Tolle Tomaten2001Spielboxin the Magazine 01/01
Beletage2001Spielboxin the Magazine 02/01
Treibjagd2001Spielboxin the Magazine 03/01
Polonaise2001Spielboxin the Magazine 04/01
Die Eroberung von Morundir2001Spielboxin the Magazine 05/01
Wer sagt's denn2001Spielboxin the Magazine 06/01
Urland 2001D&FOctober 01
Hick Hack2001 externZoch October 01
Carcasonne - Der Fluss2001 externHiG Carcassonne Expansion
Vorsicht, Flamingo2002Kleechilds game
Komm raus, du Wurm2002Kleechilds game
Verflixt + Ausgebüchst2002Kleechilds game
Carcassonne - Die Erweiterung2002 externHiG
Go Round2002Spielboxin the Magazine 01/02
Trias2002 externGecko Games appeared Essen 2002
St. Petersburg2004 externHiG
Arche Opti Mix/Ark 2005D&F
And more to come...


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