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Meet Doris & Frank in Essen 2002

The great
Essen Game Fair Essen 2002
will take place
October 17-20.
Essen is still the place where board gamers from all over the world meet and it's still a very colourful event.

What will Doris & Frank present in Essen?

Well, first of all we'll present all of our good old stuff, like  Urland, Frank's Zoo, Ursuppe, Igel Ärgern and more.
Furthermore a friend and longstanding playtester of us has finally founded his own company externGecko Games and produced his first own externgame "Trias" . He and his game will be present at our booth.
Unlike the years before our
booth number 12-66
is located in hall (Halle) 12 this year. It is located directly next to second of the two doorways between hall 12 and hall 11, opposing to a "Imbiss" (food takeaway) booth. (Maps can be found on the Pages lined below.)
Finally we've not been totaly lazy in the last year and if you are very lucky you might have a chance to meet Doris and our little boy Jari

Coming to Essen

The best ways to come to and stay in Essen seem to be described at externMik Svellov's website . For more general information about the Game Fair you should also visit the externhomepage of the Merz Verlag , the organizers. For general information about the Messe Essen (not only games fair) look at externtheir homepage .

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http://doris-frank.de/Essen02.html changed 10/3/06, rendered 4/17/07
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