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Jari Nestel

Hi, I am Jari Timmo Nestel. And since we small people are so nice, here are a few pictures of me (click the thumbs).
In the "Deutsches Museum Munich".11-December-2005
In the "Deutsches Museum Munich".
Enjoying Mallorcas Beach.01-October-2005
Enjoying Mallorcas Beach.
Me Little Pirate in Mallorca.20-September-2005
Me Little Pirate in Mallorca.
Frankonian Hike on a Sunny Spring Day.26-May-2005
Frankonian Hike on a Sunny Spring Day.
Gaming in the Game Store.8-February-2005
Gaming in the Game Store.
Cross Biking in the Snow.15-February-2005
Cross Biking in the Snow.
Bringing Dad to Bed.01-March-2005
Bringing Dad to Bed.
With Lenja.27-March-2005
With Lenja.
Helping Boxing Games.??-July-2004
Helping Boxing Games.
Archived find my Pictures of 2004 and of 2002. Thats so long ago, more than half of my life, must be a different person.

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http://doris-frank.de/jari.html changed 10/3/08, rendered 10/3/08
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